Saturday, 10 May 2014

Thought you'd stay..

Thought you'd stay,
Like the sky above my head, Like earth beneath my feet..
Your words defined my fate,
A mere crack on the surface, Open wounds underneath..
And so it turns out,
Half your lies I've swallowed, Half they've swallowed me..

She's smiling... but she doesn't mean it. She misses how they use to be... she misses how it was so real how they cared for each other without end but most of all, she misses him always being there and telling her everything will be okay because she need's that now, more than ever. She's sick of feeling like something's missing.

"Sometimes things can seem so perfect, and then in a split second. It all comes and blows back up in your face, making you remember, that nothing ever works out for you. Something always fucks up your "perfect thing". "
I've been struggling to name this feeling, have never been so life treads on minutes, I struggle to tether the threads of friendship and love that were tattered in one thoughtless moment.. Life’s contained in that very moment..  

Friday, 9 May 2014

"You want to know how I got all these scars? See, I ripped every last piece of you out of my smile."

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Stale air saturated with bleak memories,
Those which felt so sweet once,
Nothing so acrid I've come across,
Your merciless heart, my love shunned,
Nonchalance of your tone in the final hours,
I misread it for a happy end,
Fobbed in something you claimed as love,
Each word you uttered leaves me in delirium...